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Our collection of over 40,000 objects tells the story of the borough throughout the past 15,000 years. The collection consists of a wide range of material including archaeology, art, costume, geology, natural history, numismatics, photography and social history.

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Below you can explore our featured collections, take an in-depth look at some highlighted objects, and explore the different object categories in more detail.

If you wish to order copies of archive or printed material, or copies of photographs held by Elmbridge Museum, please look at the forms on our Local Studies page.

Walton Dentistry

go to Walton Dentistry
Roman Elmbridge

go to Roman Elmbridge
Swimming in Elmbridge

go to Swimming in Elmbridge
Cobham mourning ring (17th century)

go to Cobham mourning ring (17th century)
Thames Ditton Bronze Foundry

go to Thames Ditton Bronze Foundry
The Changing Domestic

go to The Changing Domestic
Victorian Children

go to Victorian Children
Miss Ethel Harting (1870-1942)

go to Miss Ethel Harting (1870-1942)
The Wrens of Oxshott

go to The Wrens of Oxshott
Robert Taylor Pritchett (1828-1907)

go to Robert Taylor Pritchett (1828-1907)
Lady Mary Elizabeth Bennet (1785-1861)

go to Lady Mary Elizabeth Bennet (1785-1861)
UK-India Year of Culture 2017

go to UK-India Year of Culture 2017
19th and 20th century jewellery

go to 19th and 20th century jewellery
Hadley Spectacles

go to Hadley Spectacles
Picnic Basket

go to Picnic Basket
Elmbridge at Christmas

go to Elmbridge at Christmas
Elmbridge at the Seaside

go to Elmbridge at the Seaside
Ethel Harting's watercolours

go to Ethel Harting's watercolours
Compact Mirror

go to Compact Mirror
Oval Gold Locket

go to Oval Gold Locket
Robert Taylor Pritchett sketch

go to Robert Taylor Pritchett sketch
Fanny Kemble's Apocrypha

go to Fanny Kemble's Apocrypha
The Duchess' Pet

go to The Duchess' Pet
Silk Brocade Pompadour Shoes

go to Silk Brocade Pompadour Shoes
The Duchess of York's Dog Collar

go to The Duchess of York's Dog Collar
National Registration Act card

go to National Registration Act card
White Suede Gloves

go to White Suede Gloves
Surgical Spectacles

go to Surgical Spectacles
Tudor Ointment Jar

go to Tudor Ointment Jar