Elmbridge Local Studies Service

Fascinated by your local area? Intrigued by the rich heritage of the borough? Always wondered about the history of a local building or famous face? At Elmbridge Museum we offer a Local Studies research service to help answer those burning questions.

We hold an archive of local books and directories; maps; newspaper cuttings; photographs; and local interest journals and magazines to help further your research. At our Local Studies Room, based at the Civic Centre, our team of dedicated volunteers are happy to answer your questions.

Please read the ‘Guidelines for Researchers’ below to find out more.

Guidelines for Researchers

How do I submit a research enquiry?

Please send us an email and we will be happy to advise how we can help.

If you would like to visit the Local Studies Service to view materials in person, please contact us to book an appointment. A request to access Elmbridge Museum collections must be made well in advance of the anticipated start date as Museum items may be stored off-site in other areas of the Borough.

Requests from researchers should outline the subject and purpose of their research, and state the date or dates on which they wish to conduct research.

Researchers must provide a telephone number and email address so they may be contacted at short notice if necessary.

What hours is the Local Studies Service open and how do I get there?

Access to Elmbridge Museum Local Studies Service is by appointment on Wednesdays between 10am and 5pm. Please email us to organise a visit.

Appointments outside of these hours may be made at the discretion of the museum team.

Upon arrival at Esher Civic Centre researchers should report to Reception and will then be met by a member of the Museum team.

If you expect to be delayed please let us know as soon as possible.

What do I do with my personal belongings when I arrive?

The Museum does have lockers for visitor’s use so that personal property including coats, pens, folders, cases, bags, brief cases, and purses etc should be kept to a minimum in the research room.

Laptops and handheld audio recorders may be used to take notes. The use of other electronic equipment including mobile phones, cameras and personal copiers will be by prior permission of the Museum Staff.

Only materials needed for research, including pencils, paper and research notes, should be kept with you on the research room worktable.

Any personal property used within the Local Studies Area or collections storage areas may be subject to inspection upon leaving.

What are the guidelines for handling historic materials?

Researchers are required to handle all materials with care, and to follow instructions regarding handling of objects given by staff.

Researchers will be asked to wear white cotton gloves when handling certain materials. These will be supplied by Elmbridge Museum.

The physical condition of certain objects may limit access to, or the handling of, fragile objects.

No food or drink may be taken into or consumed in the Local Studies Area or collections storage areas.

No marks, alterations or erasures are to be made to any materials in the Museum. Only pencil may be used for note taking when working near artefacts and objects.

All objects and materials must remain flat or resting on the surface of the table, or be supported with the supports provided.

Any questions should be referred to the staff member on duty.

How do I secure permission to reproduce or publish Elmbridge Museum materials?

Permission to consult materials does not convey the right to reproduce or publish.

Materials provided from the collections of Elmbridge Museum are provided for reference only.

Permission may be granted in certain circumstances for researchers to take photographs of objects in the Museum collections for research purposes only. Permission to take photographs for research purposes does not convey the right to reproduce or publish such images.

Extensive quotation, copying for research purposes, the reproduction or publication of art works, photographs, manuscripts, and other images from Elmbridge Museum collections requires copyright permission from the Museum Manager, or Collections Officer, and possibly payment of a fee to Elmbridge Museum.

Elmbridge Museum may request a complimentary copy of the completed work or any publication or catalogue relying on or referring to its collections.

Researchers’ publications serve as a resource for staff, students and other visiting researchers, and are also an important means of documenting the significance and use of the collections.

How do I acknowledge an Elmbridge Museum resource in my research?

When citing materials from Elmbridge Museum, citation should follow this format:

identification of item, item accession number, Courtesy of Elmbridge Museum, Elmbridge Borough Council.

How to order reproductions

If you wish to order copies of archive or printed material, or copies of photographs held by Elmbridge Museum for private study or a non-commercial purpose you are required to complete and sign the appropriate form and send it back to us by email.

Reproduction of any item held by Elmbridge Museum is subject to permission. Please refer to the attached terms and conditions.
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Elmbridge Museum charges a small fee to supply copies and for image reproduction rights. All charges are inclusive of VAT.
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Download this form if you are applying to reproduce the whole or part of an unpublished work.
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Download this form if you are applying to reproduce the whole or part of a published work.
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Download this form if you would like to reproduce a museum image for the purpose of research or private study.
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Download this form to apply for a copy of an Ordnance Survey map or other printed map which is out of copyright, for the purposes of research or private study.
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Download this form to apply for a copy of an Ordnance Survey map or other printed map which is less than 50 years old, for the purposes of research or private study.
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Download the form to apply for permission to reproduce an image from the museum collection for commercial purposes.
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Download this form to request permission to broadcast or electronically publish museum material.
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Make a payment to Elmbridge Museum Local Studies Service

Pay reproduction or research fees

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