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The oldest toy in the world is a stick! Before people started making toys they played with things they found. There are lots of sticks around and it is easy to make a game using them.
Can you think of a game you could play using a stick?
When people started making toys they were made by a toy maker. This made them very expensive and most families could not afford them. For many years, children in Elmbridge played outside and created their own toys and games.
Can you think of a game you can play without any toys at all?
In the Victorian period people started making toys in factories. Factories were able to make lots of toys very quickly. This meant that more children were able to have them!
In the Victorian period people also started inventing lots of different types of toy. Children now had more options to choose from.
This is a picture of a family from Elmbridge. Can you recognise any of the toys in the picture? Do they remind you of any toys you have at home?
For a long time toys were made out of materials like metal, wood and cloth. Then scientists discovered an exciting new material - plastic! Lots of toys started to be made in this new material.
How many of your toys at home are made of plastic? Why do you think this material is good for making toys?
Recently there has been another big change in the toys we play with. Computer games have only recently been invented, but are very popular!
Do you play video games? How are video games different from other toys?