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Cobham Brewery
Cobham Library, The Cedar Centre, KT11 3AE
Jul 2023 - Jun 2024 Exploring the borough’s oldest pubs, drinking culture, and the historic former brewery in Cobham with the help of local historian David Taylor.

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Write On!
Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, KT12 2JG
Jul 2023 - Jun 2024 From the letter-writing boom of the Victorian era to ambitious attempts to use computers to speed up our writing in the 1980s, this display draws a line from handwriting to computers and back again.

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The Milk Marketing Board
Dittons Library, Mercer Close, KT7 0BS
Feb 2024 - Oct 2024 An exploration of this significant local company's long history in Thames Ditton, 30 years on from its closure.

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Suffrage to Sisterhood
Walton Library, 54 The Heart (off Hepworth Way), KT12 1GH
Mar 2024 - Sep 2024 In 1928, women were finally granted universal suffrage, meaning any woman over the age of 21 could vote - the same terms as men. But what did women do after the vote was won?
In this display, we're collaborating with the W.I to uncover the remarkable history of women's groups who worked tirelessly to advance female rights.

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Forging Art: Thames Ditton Bronze Foundry
Civic Centre, 1 High Street, KT10 9SD
May 2024 - Oct 2024 We're celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Thames Ditton Bronze Foundry this year by looking back at its huge impact, both locally and across the world.

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The Victorian Treasures of Cranmere
Killik & Co, 9 High Street, KT10 9RL
Jul 2024 - Sep 2024 Exploring the link between past and present, students from Cranmere Primary School have created artistic works inspired by people living and working in houses in Elmbridge during Victorian times.

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Museum Explorers - Awesome Architecture session 1
St. George's Church, 69 High Street, KT10 9RQ
Fri 2nd August 2024
10.30am - 11.30am
Join the Elmbridge Museum staff as we investigate some amazing buildings in Elmbridge, both now and in the past. We will examine local architecture through the museum's historical photographs and then participate in two construction challenges.

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Museum Explorers - Awesome Architecture session 2
St. George's Church, 69 High Street, KT10 9RQ
Fri 2nd August 2024
13.30pm - 14.30pm
Join the Elmbridge Museum staff as we investigate some amazing buildings in Elmbridge, both now and in the past. We will examine local architecture through the museum's historical photographs and then participate in two construction challenges.

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Museum Explorers - National Choc Chip Cookie Day session 1
Esher Library, Old Church Path, KT10 9NS
Tue 6th August 2024
11.00am - 12.00pm
If you fancy learning more about National Choc Chip Cookie Day then Elmbridge Museum is here to help. This fun session will involve investigating biscuit tins from the museum's collection and taking part in some interesting cookie related activities.

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Museum Explorers - National Choc Chip Cookie Day session 2
Dittons Library, Mercer Close, KT7 0BS
Tue 6th August 2024
13.30pm - 14.30pm
Come and join the Elmbridge Museum staff as we have fun celebrating National Choc Chip Cookie Day. This fun event will feature hands on cookie related activities as well as investigating biscuit tins from the museum's collection.

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Museum Explorers - World Photography Day session 1
Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, KT12 2JG
Mon 19th August 2024
10.30am - 11.30am
Come and celebrate World Photography Day by looking at some of the museum's historic photographs and then participate in an outdoor photograph challenge. Send your best photographs after the event so that we can share them via our social media outlets.

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Museum Explorers - World Photography Day session 2
Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, KT12 2JG
Mon 19th August 2024
13.30pm - 14.30pm
Are you interested in photography? Join the Elmbridge Museum team as they celebrate World Photography Day with some historic local photographs from the museum's collection and then set you off on an outdoor photography challenge. Bring a digital camera or mobile phone and send us your best photographs after the event. We will compile them and share them on our social media outlets.

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Historical Talk: Suffrage to Sisterhood
Walton Library, 54 The Heart (off Hepworth Way), KT12 1GH
Tue 27th August 2024
17.30pm - 18.30pm
A talk by Elmbridge Museum's Exhibitions & Interpretation Officer to accompany the Suffrage to Sisterhood exhibition on display at Walton Library.

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