I was inspired to paint the iron holder becease it had a very pretty detailed pattern.
A trivet as painted by Maisie
The candle fascinated me as I was inspired by the twisty stem.
A rushlight holder as drawn by Lenny
I chose it because I love the colours and it can be worn as a brooch or necklace.
Brooch as created by Ada
I chose the gold locket with pearls in a cross because I am still a beginner at art and this artefact was simple. Also, the back story was interesting. I made this by using: paint, pastels and oil pastels.
A gold locket as drawn by Abby
I chose this fascinating brooch because of its vibrant colurs and because it stands out from all the different artefacts. This object gave me a chalange because of its detail.
A brooch as drawn by Oscar
This photo frame inspired me because of the sihoulette. It caught my eye.
A photo frame as drawn by Claudia
The iron inspired me because it was unique. it was also very heavy compared to modern day.
A flat iron as drawn by Shaniya
The pin inspired me because it represents the family due to their initials.
A pin as created by Daisy
The hat inspired me because it looked stylish.
A hat drawn by Emily
The locket inspired me because I liked the diamond jewels and how shiny it was.
A locket as drawn by Tapiwanashe
I was inspired by the butter pat's because I like the shape of the design.
A butter pat as painted by Rex
I decided to recreate this object because I really like Victorian artwork and the coulors they used are nice.
A locket as created by Freddie
I was inspired by the scissors because they are made differently to modern ones.
Goffering tongs as created by Immy
The candle inspired me because of the twisty detail and the long wick.
A rushlight holder as drawn by Jake
I chose this carpet beater because I wanted to test my skills in charcoal and pastles. The carpet beater is interesting as I was curious how the Victorians got the dirt of.
The carpet beater as drawn by Jasmine
I chose the flate iron because I wanted to challenge my drawing skills. The flat iron is interesting because it has some unique patterns and a mixture of colours.
A flat iron as drawn by Oli
Hi, my name is Louie and this is my artwork. I was fascinated by its colours and the crystals. I also like the NJ on it. I don't know what it stands for but I like the fancy writing. I hope you like my artwork and all the other. Thank you for looking at my work.
A pendant as created by Louie
I chose the flat iron because they mentioned it was a real artefact from the Victorian ERA and I wanted to test myself to see how well I would do sketching this item. It caught my eye as it was lying on a gold iron stand.
A flat iron as drawn by Zak
I chose the diamond locket as it was very colourful and fancy.
A pendant as drawn by William